
Quality assurance

Quality assurance

One of the ALLED2 project’s key component is to strengthening the quality assurance mechanisms within the education and training system, as a precondition for increased employability and the relevance of education and training programmes.

The enhancement of the QA mechanisms and procedures will improve the quality of practical and of applied teaching and learning in HEIs, Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) in core occupational sectors relevant to market needs, including career guidance and counselling.

Project will ensure the implementation and application of QA mechanism in ALLED2 relevant sectors for VET in line with NQF/EQF criteria (including development of high-quality labour market relevant qualifications) and as well as will provide direct support to NQA and KAA including the process of post accreditation monitoring

The main projects expected result related to QA is: Professional qualifications and occupational standards meet NQF criteria for validation, Quality Assurance (QA) arrangements are further improved and are elaborated at the policy level and the link to progression pathways between HE and VET is defined.

Furthermore, the project will support smart communication of education and training with labour market relevant data bases in order to serve as information for improving quality and further evidence-based planning.