


ALLED2 project will support MEST and MLSW in reforming the education system to link education with labour market needs, and to reflect the European Framework of Key Competences. The five expected result areas to be covered by the action are Higher Education (HE), National Qualification Framework (NQF) and Vocational Education and Training (VET), Governance of Education and Training systems supporting alignment and linking between Education and Training with the Business sector with structured systems.

The specific purpose of the ALLED Phase II is to strengthen the quality and relevance of education and training programmes for the labour market and to support the adaptation of the legislative framework and mechanisms as a precondition for increased employability. The specific objectives are:

1. Strengthen the link between Higher Education and Labour Market Needs by the development and modernisation of HE programmes according to labour market needs;

2. Improve the teacher training programmes in order for them to conform with the requirements of New Curriculum of Kosovo1 and the priorities of MEST;

3. Enhance the quality of practical and applied teaching and learning in VET schools and VTCs in core occupational sectors relevant to market needs, including career guidance and counselling;

4. Enable a better understanding of beneficiary and international qualifications and further develop and modernise Kosovo’s Qualification System for Qualification Framework professional qualifications.

ALLED2 project will seek to strengthen the link and alignment of education and training in HE and VET/VTCs to LM need in terms of developing a system and practice to support the cooperation.

This implies implementation and institutionalization of a cluster system in higher education, where study programs in public HEIs will serve as a competence hub for the industry and VET. Main actions include: enhancing cooperation of HEIs with enterprises, strengthening partnerships with international universities, development and accreditation of programs/ diploma supplement, enhancing faculty management and teacher professional development, and practical learning and possible employment. While project support to VET and VTCs includes improvement of teacher training programmes conform with the requirement of New Curriculum of Kosovo, enhancing the quality of practical and applied teaching and learning in VET schools and VTCs in core occupational relevant to market needs, including career guidance and counselling.

ALLED2 project will strengthen the link and alignment of education and training in HE and VET/VTCs to LM need in terms of developing a system and practice to support the cooperation. This implies development of LM systems for planning and monitoring of the need. It also implies development of HE and VET programmes according to the need of occupations and skills by industry, companies and enterprises. There is a need to strengthen the capacity of staff in education, foremost the teachers and trainers in the delivery of the programmes. The linkages between education and work, such as work-based learning and career counselling for transition to LM need to be enhanced. The overall structure and system for aligning needs and demands are supported within the national qualifications and quality framework.