

Business & VET structured cooperation is a must for sustainable development

#ALLED2 Team Leader Ms. @efkaheder welcomed the school directors on the workshop on the business incentives to facilitate cooperation between businesses and Vocational and Education Institutions – “Business & VET structured cooperation is a must for sustainable development ”

#ALLED2 coordinator for VET and Privat Sector Mr. @AgonDula used this opportunity to emphasize the importance of all possible governmental incentives that will foster cooperation between the Private Sector and Vocational Education Institutions

#ALLED2 expert Mr. Butrint Batalli, initiating constructive discussions with school directors on the challenges they face in cooperating with businesses and incentives to be developed for a more structured cooperation between #VET and #PrivateSector

In order to achieve a more structured cooperation between #VET and #PrivateSector #ALLED2 with its experts is holding a workshop with school directors to discuss challenges they face in cooperating with businesses and incentives the government should develop for this purpose

Productive working groups & constructive discussions of the school directors and other school representatives on the challenges they face in cooperating with business and incentives to be developed for a more structured cooperation between #VET and #PrivateSector