

ALLED2 introduces Kosovo Labour Market Barometer

In the ALLED2 Project funded by the European Union in Kosovo – EU, co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation – ADC and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency – ADA, today a strategic step was taken ahead the digitalization of Kosovo institutions.
During the presentation of the Labor Market Barometer, the Ambassador of the European Union to Kosovo, Mr. Tomáš Szunyog, welcomed the establishment of this platform and stressed the great importance of digitalization in Kosovo’s institutions.
On the other hand, the Austrian Ambassador to Kosovo Mr. Christoph Weidinger stated that the Austrian state is happy to support the education system in Kosovo and stressed that by harmonizing the labor market with education, Kosovo is taking a sustainable step in its economic development.

The Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Mr. Skender Recica, as well as the Minister of Education and Science Prof. Dr. Rame Likaj hails the creation of the Labor Market Barometer, as a very important tool and platform, which enables the creation of better policies regarding the reduction of unemployment in the country, in this very dynamic labor market.

The Director of the Employment Agency, Mr. Drin Haraqia stated that the Labor Market Barometer will ensure the harmonization of supply and demand, will reduce the gap between training and employment, ensuring that unemployment is minimized.

Dr. Anton Gojani from the ALLED2 project stressed that real-time data interaction is a necessity for designing evidence-based policies, especially in Education.

The barometer in question is of special importance, because it creates the connection among the respective Institutions, and connects the information between them, as follows:

  1. Employment Agency – APRK
  2. MES – Education Management Information System / EMIS
  3. MES – Higher Education Management Information System / HEMIS
  4. Tax Administration of Kosovo
  5. Business Registration Agency in Kosovo
  6. Kosovo Civil Registration Agency
  7. Kosovo Pension Registration Agency
  8. National Qualifications Agency in Kosovo
  9. National Agency for Quality Assurance of Kosovo
  10. Statistical Agency of Kosovo