

Hear the voice of businesses! Presentation of the Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0

On December 14, 2021, the ALLED2 project funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo and co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency, presented the Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0 in the presence of business associations, donors and Kosovo institutions!
For the first time in Kosovo, the Skills Barometer was established several months ago, to serve the needs of employers and policy makers by supporting the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce – KCC for the systematic development of Training Needs Assessment / Skills Barometer , as a tool for VET planning and for structured and systematic discovery of future skills / competencies needed in the labor market.

The Skills Barometer in Kosovo will strongly support evidence-based policy-making, planning and reform, as well as future career planners in relation to the specific skills and job requirements required for the labor market.
In these turbulent times Education and Training (E&T) must respond smartly and to rapid change to support sustainable economic and social development.
This Kosovo Barometer promotes structured cooperation between the private sector and education, anticipating the needs that will be needed for the next three to five years in the labor market in Kosovo. This, at the same time, will serve as a mechanism for balancing skills shortages and aligning with the needs of the labor market.

The Kosovo Skills Barometer tool will help stakeholders assess current and future trends in skills development and skills shortages in Kosovo and the importance of response from training institutions (HEIs, VET, VTC), which includes : Training needs analysis and provision of the Skills Barometer a concept / study report including recommendations.

ALLED2 team leader Mrs. Efka Heder greeted the participants present in vivo as well as those online and congratulated the business community of Kosovo for their commitment and willingness to lead in the smart, innovative and entrepreneurial development of Vocational Education and Training in the country!

Mrs. Majlinda Rizvanolli Bajraktari – External Advisor for Vocational Education and Training VET in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation stressed the importance of “Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0” to strengthen the relationship between Vocational Education and Training and labor market needs.

Mr. Berat Rukiqi, President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce highly praised the ALLED2 team together with the experts and congratulated the excellent cooperation with the members of the Chamber. “This barometer will be a solid foundation and an instrument that must stand the test of time”, said Mr. Rukiqi!

Mr. Stergios Tragoudas, program manager in education and research from the European Union Kosovo praised the event and the “Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0”. “The ALLED2 project is constantly developing and presenting a series of innovative activities” – said Mr. Tragoudas.

Mrs. Albulena Bylykbashi Zaimi- Program Manager at
Austrian Development Cooperation asserted that “Skills Barometer
in Kosovo 1.0 “will be a major contribution in the field of training
and professional workforce “We aim that together with the Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo to build Kosovo’s sustainable capacity to collect these
data which will inform policy makers but also the planning of
skills in general “- said Mrs. Zaimi!

“Through this mechanism, which we have called
Kosovo Skills Barometer, Kosovo Chamber of Commerce will be able to
provide government and other relevant institutions with data on capabilities that will be collected every three years, as strategically important inputs for development of proper education as well as employment policies” – said Mr. Agon Dula, coordinator for VET and the Private Sector in the project ALLED2 during presentation of “Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0”

Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0 was presented by Professor Besnik Krasniqi and Professor Iraj Hashi, in the capacity of experts the ALLED2 project.