
Smart governance

Smart governance

Alled2 project supports the development of a sustainable system for aligning education and training with labor market needs and sectors having the best potential for supporting employment and growth in Kosovo. Smart governance is set to improve education and training, among other sectors for supporting socio economic development in Kosovo. Innovation which is a driving force in aligning education with labor market needs, will be fostered through bringing both education and labor market representatives together, through structured cooperation models with systemic effects. Through implementation and institutionalization of a cluster system in higher education which will serve as a competence hub for industry and VET, Alled2 project will support improvement of a strategic ground level coordination and prioritization of industry needs and labor market, for increased employability.

Alled2 project supports also structured cooperation between MEST and MLSW through support for development of data collection system LMIS that includes information from VET and VTCs. Key interventions including upgrade of labor market information system, integration of education and employment information systems, and building structured systems for VET and Business cooperation will create a collaborative, communication based, transparent and sustainable environment for evidenced based policy making for aligning education and training with labor market needs. These interventions fostering communication and collaboration with businesses leads to faster economic development of Kosovo, including entrepreneurial growth and smart specialization, making Kosovo ready for industry 4.0 to compete in the global market.