

Launching Event of VET–Private Sector/KCC structured cooperation Strategic Document & Action Plan.

ALLED2 Team Leader Ms. Efka Heder proudly welcomed all partners and representatives of institutions in the Launching Event of VET–Private Sector/KCC structured cooperation Strategic Document and Action Plan.

Mr.Lulzim Rafuna President of KCC is thrilled to be part of the launching event on this crucial strategic document for both the education and private sector. “KCC is focused on further development of human capital and partnership with VET as one of the most important inputs in the economy”

Mr.Stergios Tragoudas, Programme Manager at European Union Office in Kosovo, expressed his pleasure to be part of another accomplishment of #ALLED2 project- the Launching Event of VET– Private Sector/KCC structured cooperation Strategic Document and Action Plan, as a crucial step forward!

The head of Office in @ADCinKosovo Ms. Sandra Horina congratulated the #ALLED2 on launching this Strategic document, while stating that the cooperation between the education & private sector is significant; furthermore it remains a major priority for the @AustrianDev.

Mr. Agon Dula the coordinator for cooperation between VET and Private sector within #ALLED2 project, emphasized and thoroughly explained the process and developments of the Strategic document, which will be very beneficial for KCC moreover strengthen the VET and Private Sector cooperation.

During the launching event of the VET – Private Sector/KCC structured cooperation Strategic Document and Action Plan #ALLED2 experts Prof. Iraj Hashi and Ms. Ardiana Gashi presented the key findings from the Situation Analysis as well as the strategic objectives and the action plan.

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