

Kosovo Accreditation Agency with the support of the ALLED2 project launched the e-accreditation platform.

This is another step closer to the digitalization of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Kosovo!

The ALLED2 project aims to support the innovative structured approach, based on the principle of the triple helix – (government – academia – business) by building an Education and Training system that responds to the needs of the labor market and contributes to economic growth and the development of general employment. In this spirit, on the occasion of the launch of the e-accreditation platform, the ALLED2 project, in cooperation with the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, has organized training on the use of this platform for all higher education institutions in Kosovo.

According to the rules and procedures of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, Higher Education Institutions and their Academic Staff (Professors) are obliged to have access and registration through the online application system, enabled by the e-accreditation platform.

e-accreditation is a platform of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) to facilitate the process of accreditation and re-accreditation of Higher Education Institutions, which register and provide the required information in real time.
The e-accreditation system facilitates the possibility of submitting and online administration of application documents for the accreditation and re-accreditation process, such as: registration of Higher Education Institutions; applications for accreditation applications; applications for academic staff (Professors); study programs; administrative and financial documentation; information for the Board; external evaluation process documents; Regular decisions, reports and statistics, etc.

In the introductory speech, Dr. Anton Gojani, Coordinator for Quality Assurance and Higher Education said that ALLED2 supports efficiency, digitalization, application of the Internet of Things (Internet of Things) and transparency in Education and Training in Kosovo, meeting the highest educational standards.
The Director of KAA thanked the ALLED2 project for the support, and assured the public and private Higher Education Institutions that, KAA will continue to support by facilitating the application procedures for accreditation and re-accreditation, and will strengthen the increase of efficiency and transparency of the services of the Accreditation Agency.