

ALLED 2 Study Visit to Estonia

Estonia has been chosen as the best example to explore given their extensive expertise in the digitalization of qualifications field, e-governance, electronic NQF register, PISA and other fields. The Estonian practices in the above-mentioned fields serve as a global example on handling digitalization and education in a fast-evolving world. Kosovo, by following Estonian example can vastly benefit by implementation of their best practices in its Educational System, further spread to employment and overall economic development of the country.

Part of the study visit were representatives of: Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation ( MESTI), Kosova’s Municipal Education Directorates (MED), Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare ( MSLW) and the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK), National Qualification Authority (NQA), Kosovo Accreditation Agency ( KAA), ALLED 2 and Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

This visit shall contribute to the enhancement of processes and establishment of a viable know-how in development and functionalization of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) Register of Kosovo.